Health is invaluable and there are certain things that money can’t buy at all. Health comes without price tag. Changing lifestyle has changed our living and eating habits. Consequently, it has augmented the health related issues and problems among human beings. Medicines might not be suitable for everyone and it might cause side-effects. But natural remedies and yoga are bound to compromise a good source of health tips. In the coming sections, we would discuss how home remedies and yoga can be beneficial in providing you necessary health tips.

As a matter of fact, there is an increasing excitement among the researchers and scientists too regarding the evolution of home remedies and yoga in curing a number of health related issues. It is estimated that there is a strong influence of ‘sense of smell’ over physiological and psychological health. Certain vegetables and herbs can be best for the body and its good health.

A number of studies, though in their initial stages, have also unveiled that natural and home remedies can provide health tips for a number of issues. For instance, it is revealed that fragrances of vanilla, peppermint and coffee have the capacity to cure certain health related issues and have therapeutic effects. Another study also reveals that inhalation of certain chemicals such as those found in linalool, flowers and spices helps in reducing stress, especially in rats. Certain other such home remedies helps in making people calmer.

Yoga has been providing health tips since years and it was developed in Hindu culture. But now, its benefits are evident all over the world. Yoga possesses health tips for depression and is powerful in curing a number of health related problems. There are many exercises that help in curing breath-related, throat, nose, anxiety and other such health related problems.

Bikram Yoga which is started by Bikram Choudhury can help in providing health tips for asthma, arthritis and other such issues. Yoga can infact, help in creating a balance in the flow of energy of life, it can provide peace to mind and soul as well. It is the most holistic approach for the mental, physical and spiritual good health of human beings. It can provide health tips and can be very useful for relaxation, stress relief, clarity, concentration, memory, and stamina, zeal for life, motivation, will power, self confidence, awareness, creative insight and inner peace as well as happiness.

Treatments, therapies and medicines might cause side-effects to your health but natural, home made remedies and yoga are a source of a number of health tips. These are a few natural treatments that can prove beneficial in your health menaces and nuisances. If you donot wish to go for medicines, then donot worry because nature has in store a number of tips for your health. Health and wellness are one of the most important aspects of your life and you can find solutions to a number of issues within your home. So adopt the home made remedies and yoga and stay healthy always!




Health is usually a prime concern and people must be careful about their wellness. It is not mandatory that medicines provide you utmost satisfaction. Sometimes home remedies and Bikram yoga can have in store a number of health tips that can prove beneficial.

Yoga is a way of life, an art of virtuous living or an included system for the advantage of the body, mind and inner spirit. This art originate, was perfected and skillful in India thousands of years ago.

The reference to yoga are available in ‘Upanishads’ and ‘Puranas’ collected by Indian Aryans in the later Vedic and post- Vedic era.

The main credit for arrange yoga goes to Patanjali who wrote ‘Yoga Sutra’, two thousand Years ago.

He described the principles of the full eight fold yogic regulation. He calm the treatise in brief code words known as ‘Sutras’.

Even individuals who have just  started working the various yoga poses can reap the reimbursement of yoga as the various yoga asanas or postures depending on their intensity levels are extremely useful in strengthening ones lower back, legs, hands, feet, spine, shoulders and so on.

In fact advanced yoga asanas which require the individual to focus on their breathing technique and even mediate are also known to help one to relax and thereby be able to concentrate on the various parts of their body and their demands thereby pleasing them onto a path of self discovery and self realization.

Yoga Tips

1.  Regarding the quantity of food, it should be moderate (mitahara), only that which satisfies one’s appetite.

2.  One should avoid overeat, fasting or eating once a day. Stale or non-nutritious food, you know, is harmful.

3.  The clothing should be movable and as scanty as likely, because maximum amount of the skin should be bare to air.

4.  Form-fitting cotton/Lycra pants and shirts are the best.

5.  The breathing be supposed to be long and deep. The mouth be supposed to be closed and inhale and breathe out only through the nose.

6.  Always take a mat of kusa or any other lawn or hay for sitting postures.

7.  For lying posture use a woolen carpet, and spread a clean sheet over it.

Yoga Benefits

1. Yoga is recognized to increase suppleness; yoga has posture that triggers the different joints of the body. Including those joints that are not acted upon with regular exercises routines.

Yoga Benefit 2: Yoga also increases the lubrication of joints, tendon and tendons. The well-researched yoga position exercises the different tendons and ligaments of the body.

3. yoga also massages all organs of the body. Yoga is possibly the only exercise that can work on through your inner organs in a thorough manner, as well as those that hardly get externally stirred during our entire lifetime.

4. Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body parts.  This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn reimbursement us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first likely instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder.

Yoga for Weight Loss

1.  There are various Yoga asana like Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana which are specially meant for weight reduction. Following few of them frequently will certainly help you lose flab.

2.  Incase you are a thyroid patient and you have unusually gained weight. You must go for Sarvangasana and Matasyasana for examination on the hormonal secretion of your thyroid gland.

3.  Regular Yoga asana done with Sun greeting (Surya Namaskar) is also very helpful in weight reduction.

4.  Regularly practicing Pranayamas for instance Kapalabhatti, Anuloma-Viloma and Bhastrika not only help in weight decrease but equally helps in achieving a better muscle tone and endurance.


Read more on Swami Ram Dev Yoga Bookand Yoga Benefits and Over Masturbation

Dr. Sarkozy Mikal