Heart disease ranks first in the list of death causes in both women and men. However, with only a few lifestyle changes along with a heart healthy diet and exercise regimen, you can lower the risk of developing heart disease and maintain a healthier heart for life.


Cutting the fat

A low-in-fat diet can help lower the risk of heart disease. Saturated fat in butter, meat, and whole-fat dairy products is recommended to be consumed no more than 7 percent of your daily calories. Trans-fats, which are in margarine, oils, fried foods, etc. are also needed to be eliminated from your diet.



Only 1 percent of your daily diet should consist of trans-fats


Eating Vegetables and Fish


Colorful foods such as pomegranates, blueberries, tomatoes, and spinach are rich in antioxidants, which can decrease your risk of heart diseases. Many fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, bananas, or mushrooms, may help regulate blood pressure, thanks to their high level of potassium.



Five to nine servings a day of fruits and vegetables are highly recommended


Meanwhile, fatty fish like salmon, sardine, or rainbow trout would help reduce the risk of heart diseases by decreasing your blood pressure and triglycerides.



Eating fatty fish twice a week to get your omega-3 fatty acids.


Giving up Smoking


Smoking can cause cancer, heart attack, and other dangerous diseases. They are costly, and what’s more, they could really kill you. Smoking narrows arteries, raises blood pressure, and thickens blood. And even if you don’t care of your own health, let think of nonsmokers being affected by your smoke.



It is time to give up cigarettes for good



Being aware of your risk

It is important for you to check high cholesterol, elevated blood sugar, as well as signs of diabetes periodically. This would help you to be proactive about your health to take some action against that risk.



For women, blood pressure should be less than 120/80


Doing exercise

Exercise can increase your “good” cholesterol and decrease your “bad” cholesterol. These two kinds of cholesterol, accompanying with triglycerides, would form your total cholesterol count. The more exercise you do, the better could you reduce your cholesterol.



LDL should be less than 100, and HDL should be above 50 for women



‘Healthy Heart Exercise Class’ at The London Irish Centre



Related Articles: 


1. Heart Healthy Fats


2. Keep your Heart Healthy


3. Have A Heart Healthy Diet


I have been working as a doctor of a general hospital since February 1998. In addition, I am a full time writer and specialize in weight loss related issues. I also write for a number of different websites on the Internet.

Many theories or philosophies have been attached with a healthy diet. Some people think that a healthy diet means such food that helps us to get a slim body where as there are others who associate healthy diet with a diet rich in proteins or dairy products. In reality, a healthy diet refers to such a diet that provides essential nutrients to ones body and helps in the maintenance of a healthy heart and sound brain. A healthy or nutritive diet provides us various nutrients which are required by our body to get energy and to carry out the functions of various systems operating within our body.

Healthy diet starts with healthy eating. It isn’t just about “eating smart” but also about “how and what to eat”. Researchers have suggested that due to their hectic, stressful lifestyles and demanding personal goals and to cater the pressures of family responsibilities, people often pay less or no attention to their body needs. In the recent years, people across the world are getting increasingly fond of easily available fad food and have poor eating habits. This leads to the deficiency of various important nutrients inside the body. In order to fulfill the nutritional deficiency, people are increasingly using health supplements. Lets count some easy health tips and healthy eating habits that can help you remain healthy and happy throughout life.

Once you have decided to eat healthy and consume a healthy diet, it is beneficial to consume a number of small, manageable diets. You should think about making any drastic big change in a day. Such efforts can be frustrating later on. So, the decision to add healthy diet in your routine goes with lot of patience and planning.

Every small step you take to improve your diet matters. According to a famous proverb, “A journey to thousand miles begins with a single step”. Sometimes even the smallest changes in one’s eating habits can result in improved health condition. For e.g. if you make a habit of drinking 10-20 glasses of water every day, you will find out a single, positive step in direction of better health will lead to clean, healthy skin and more energized body.

So, listen to your body and improve your health with consuming healthy diet and enjoy healthier, better, longer and happier life.

Daisy Wilson is well known author and written articles on healtcare and products, healthy diet, skin care products, fish oil, cardiac care, diabetes treatment, Nutraceutical India and many more services in india.

No one said losing weight was simple, but with a good amount of hard work, dedication and motivation you can be on the right track to living your best and healthiest life.

A healthy weight will make you look and feel your best, but most importantly it will keep your body at top performance and decrease your chances of developing disease and illness. They key is not to think of it as a diet, but as a lifestyle change that you will be happy to implement every day.

By making a few easy but crucial changes to your current lifestyle you will be on your way to your healthy weight loss goals.

1.Eating habits

Exercise is a great tool, but without significantly altering your diet, it will not be enough to see the results you are after. To find the problem areas in your current eating habits, it might be beneficial to keep a food journal for a few weeks to track your daily intake. From there you can have a better idea of what you need to add and what you need to reduce to maintain a healthy balance.

Eliminating or reducing your intake of red meat can help you make healthier eating choices. Instead, try building meals around high protein items such as fish and poultry. What you eat, however, is half the battle. Remember that the way the food is cooked will truly make the difference between a health choice and a not so health-wise meal. Grilling, baking, roasting, broiling or boiling what you eat is the best method. Try to keep your fried and processed foods to a minimum, and keep in mind that eating at home, where you can control your portion sizes, can help prevent over-eating and unnecessary calorie intake.

If you’re a snack-lover there is no need to panic. Instead of reaching for the cookie jar or that bag of chips in between meals, make it a point to stock your pantry with healthy but satisfying treats that have the added benefit of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Try unsalted nuts, granola, multigrain crackers, and don’t forget about fruit if you are craving something sweet.

2.Drinking Habits

The number of liquid calories you can consume in one day can be astonishing, so don’t forget to include your beverages when making your healthy eating changes. If you are truly serious about your healthy lifestyle change, you can’t forget to increase your water intake. A rule of thumb is usually 8 glasses per day. It might be hard at first, but even eliminating one soda or other sugar-loaded beverage per day can help you cut out hundreds of unnecessary calories. Diet beverages might seem like the easy alternative, but beware of artificial sweeteners that can actually increase your appetite and food cravings. When it comes to alcoholic beverages, try treating yourself to a glass of white wine or champagne, rather than beer or cocktails that are usually higher in calories.

3.Lifestyle Habits

The more you know about nutrition, the easier it will be to altar your food choices. Try reading some books on healthy eating, doing some online research or taking a class. Be sure to stock your kitchen with items you will enjoy eating and cooking so you will be less inclined to eat out. Getting the whole family involved on your quest to eat well is a great way to make sure the changes will last and it will definitely spread motivation.

Remember that any form of activity is better than none at all. If workout classes and gyms are not for you, why not take an enjoyable dance or yoga class with a friend or simply get outside for a brisk walk during your lunch hour. Household chores can also be a great way to burn calories, so those gardening and house cleaning tasks can have double duty in your weekly schedule.

Dr. Bernstein Diet & Health Clinics provide medically supervised weight loss. Guaranteed to help you lose weight fast. 77 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, ON M5X 1E1. (416) 869-3118

It seems that someone is always selling pills to put us to sleep, energy drinks to wake us up, and potions that are supposed to mirror the fountain of youth. What if someone told you that all you needed to reap these benefits and more was a small investment of time? Even though you may never discover the fountain of youth, you can discover the next best thing, a commitment to living healthy.

Increased Energy
Tired of being tired? Many people blame today’s increasing demands on their constant lack of energy. But the culprit is usually bad habits. Good habits, such as exercise increase blood flow to the brain and other vital organs, giving you the alertness and stamina to make it through the day.

Better Sleep
An active lifestyle balanced with a healthy diet allows your body to go to sleep faster into a deeper, more restful sleep. Sleeping well is a vital component to good health because in increases concentration, allows your cells to repair themselves and helps you to maintain a healthy weight.

Improved Immune System
Living healthy means a fit immune system ready to defend your body against the ravages of germs and disease. Your body’s ability to protect itself lies in the defense system that you’ve been building all along with beneficial eating habits and exercise. After all, it’s not the strength of the germs, but the ability of your body to ward them off.

Better Skin
The secret to radiant skin need not be found in a high-priced bottle the size of a thimble. A healthy lifestyle naturally detoxifies itself and sends more nutrients to the epidermis. If you want clear skin, eat antioxidant rich foods such as oranges, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. Switching from high-calorie sodas to water and green tea is also an excellent way to be good to your skin without breaking the bank.

Weight Loss
You don’t have to walk it out on a stairmaster, but you do need to make a commitment to movement. Be the errand runner at work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator wherever you go. Park at the end of the lot when you go shopping. Give your leaf blower a break, and rake the leaves instead. There’s always an opportunity to exercise for healthy living in Rochester. And activity plus healthy eating will lead you to the weigh loss that you desire.

Prevention of health problems
By keeping your body healthy and fit, you are preventing problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease before they even start. More amazingly, changing to a healthy lifestyle can actually reverse the damage from smoking, diabetes, and other related illnesses!

Good health leads to happily ever after, and that’s no fairy tale. A physically fit body encourages the release of endorphins that relieve stress and give you a feeling of well-being. Besides, when you feel good, inside and out, what’s not to be happy about?

The path to living healthy is paved with benefits that last a lifetime. A few changes in your life can make a big difference. So start your journey today for healthy living in Rochester!

Explore ways to improve living healthy through exercise, activities, diet, habits, and other resources on Healthy Living Rochester.

What is a healthy balanced lifestyle all about? Well, you probably know that it requires a decent diet, proper amount of sleep, and a little exercise. But there is more to it than that. You see, if you are sitting down all day long in a desk, you need to get up at least every 45 minutes and walk around, or at least stand up, because it’s not good to sit on your rear-end all day long. You probably do that enough already at home watching TV, or driving in your car during your daily commute.

It is also recommended that you walk 3 miles a day, every single day of your life. Yes, it’s okay to skip a day if the weather is really bad, but in that case you need to think of some other alternative way to exercise. Health experts agree that if you walk 3 miles every day you will live 10 years longer, and you will also live healthier during those 10 years. And yes a big issue is what you eat, there’s no denying it. And we all know that Americans are big abusers when it comes to what we should be eating. Indeed, America is getting fatter and fatter every year.

But that doesn’t mean you have to get fatter, you can beat the odds and beat the statistics by living a balanced and healthy life. If you’re watching five hours of TV, or sitting down and spending five hours a day on the computer, you need to cut back a little. Take an hour out and walk 3 miles. If you are eating too much junk food then consider some healthy snacks.

Additionally, sleep is a big issue, and most Americans just don’t get enough sleep. Your body needs good sound sleep, approximately 7 1/2 and 10 hours of sleep each night – it various with each individual and the quality of sleep matters also. Too much sleep isn’t good either, but too little sleep will make you old in a hurry and challenge your immune system. Lastly, it is very important that you get the proper vitamins in your body, the right amount of amino acids, and that you constantly have at least some of the super foods in your refrigerator and around your house.

Why not look up; super foods – on Google, and put them on your grocery list. Also find an excellent supplement to help counteract some of that junk food that you just can’t seem to find the willpower to get over. Yes, I think you can do this, I think you can live a healthy lifestyle without cramping your style. Sounds like a good New Year’s Resolution to me, how about you? Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow loves chocolate! And this article was sponsored by MXI Corp’s Xocai Healthy Chocolate; http://www.adampaulgreen.com specializing in High Antioxidant Dark Chocolate products. http://www.MarketingChocolateInternational.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

Teens and their eating habits are often questionable; since there is a significant problem with obesity in the United States today, many parents are looking for methods that will encourage their teens to make healthier food choices. Today’s teenagers are seemingly less active than teens of yesteryear; video games encourage a sedentary lifestyle and many teens are engaging in less exercise and/or outdoor activities. Thus, a super healthy diet is more important than ever before and parents should encourage their teens to work toward a balance of exercise and healthy food consumption.
Teens tend to turn toward typical snack favorites like potato chips, colas, candy bars, and greasy, fried foods like French fries, frozen or pre-made pizza, and ice cream products. These items can be replaced with similar snacks that taste just as good or, in most cases, even better than the unhealthy snacks teens generally appreciate. Instead of potato chips a parent can offer banana chips; instead of colas parents can offer fruit juice, and instead of ice cream parents can supply their teenagers with frozen yogurt products. Candy bars can also be replaced with healthy granola bar snacks which are equally satisfying.
Parents may want to ration snacks so that a teenager doesn’t over-consume healthy snacks. Some teens just don’t know when to stop snacking and even too much of a healthy snack is not beneficial to the teen. In many instances, snacks can be placed in storage containers and bags and pre-prepared for teens so that they are already in the correct, healthy, consumable portions. By getting snacks prepared in advance, the teen will appreciate the fast access he or she has to quick, healthy snacks.
When teens come home from a hard day in school, they are often hungry and looking for a snack to hold them over until it is time for dinner. This time is an excellent time for parents to encourage their teens to choose healthy food selections. There are a variety of super fast snacks that teens are sure to appreciate and such snacks place little drain on a parent’s wallet. Let’s take a look at some healthy snacks below.
If a parent has a hot air popcorn popper, snack time can prove fun and hassle free. Hot air popcorn poppers allow for the parents/teens to make a healthy snack that is not made with oils and fatty ingredients. The popcorn can then be mixed with other healthy snacks like nuts, almonds, dried fruits, and/or raisins, too. The latter snack is perfect for on the go teens as well: it can be placed in a large sandwich bag and toted anywhere.
An afternoon icy treat is also something that teens can appreciate. A mix of berries with a selection of plain low fat yogurt, some ice, and a bit of honey for sweetening can give the teen a super fast smoothie for an afternoon snack. If the teen doesn’t care for berries, there are plenty of other fruits that will work equally well.

Robin Reichert is an AFPA Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant. She has been studying natural health, wellness, nutrition, and physical fitness for over 10 years and holds an MS in Natural Health from Clayton College. She is also an AFPA Certified Personal Trainer. Her passion is to educate and empower people to take charge of their health and fitness. To learn more, please visit Robin’s Wellness Resource Center at http://www.wellness-bee.com

The world is on a get healthy craze. Everywhere you turn people are looking for ways to improve their diets and workout plans. Most people think or maybe just hope that they can find a cure all. This leads to many people getting depressed when they don’t see quick results from these supposed cure alls. Unfortunately there is nothing that will allow you to eat whatever you want and maintain a great body. This means we need to work everything into our lifestyles to see the best result.

Acai has been one of those cure alls that people talk about. Acai is a wonderful fruit that can be a great help into a healthy living. It just needs to be part and not the whole package.

First you need to start off with a healthy diet. You don’t need to go crazy in on everything. You need to start adding vegetables and fruits into your diet. Start working these in to your diet. Replace the fatty meats with items like chicken and fish. This will start helping your body out.

Next start adding physical workouts to your routine don’t go crazy on day one. This will just make you sore and not want to go back. Start walking and doing light weights to get you started. Push ups and abs exercises are a great way to get you started. Then build your workouts up on a natural plan.

As you start on this process you will have a much better chance of sustaining these results long term. This gives you a healthy lifestyle instead of a diet that won’t last. Now you can add an item like acai to your diet. Acai will help speed up your metabolism and kick the rest of your work into high gear. There are many forms of acai to add to your diet. I prefer a pill form so I know what I am getting each day.

For more information about Acai and Your Diet visit Free Acai.

Are you interested to get a healthier life? You can presently find a lot of individuals who will be interested to make the shift a far more nutritious lifestyle. There are a lot of health problems that are caused by the wrong food that we eat. Simply by reducing our consumption of meat and raising our consumption of vegetables and fruits we can definitely reap some positive benefits for our health. The aim of this post is to provide you more information on the changes that you can make and I hope that it’ll be appropriate for you personally.

Firstly you should make sure that you eat some balanced diet. There are plenty of folks that consume more meat than they probably should. People can indeed benefit more from the usage of more fruits and vegetables. This should prevent us from taking in too much fat in our body and at the same time offer all the required nutrients to the body. Those that are interested to acquire more information on good food can take a look at this French post on cuisine () as it contain some useful point.

Eating fruits and vegetables can also assist in treating some health problems. There are several individuals who experience flatulence and can benefit from altering their diet. Undoubtedly flatulence is a result of poor digestion and altering your eating habit may bring some good benefits. Indeed reducing your consumption of specific food can be really beneficial for you. Recently I came across this French article on flatulence () and may be interesting for you to take a look.

If you feel that these changes are actually really beneficial for you it might be interesting that you share your knowledge with your friends and relatives. I do know a number of people that have prepared reception and serve only healthy foods. Your mates will surely benefit from the changes to their way of life. And if you are aware how to do it properly you may also make some savings on the cost of organizing your reception. Should you require more information on this topic you can take a look at this French content on reception planning () as it contains some useful point.

So as to live a wholesome life there are some changes that you will have to make to your lifestyle. And in most cases you will need to make some adjustments to your eating habit. It could be a good idea that you reduce your consumption of meat and instead concentrate on eating fruits and vegetables. This can certainly be really valuable in the long run. I really hope you have enjoyed reading this article and that you will take advantage of the tips offered.

You can obtain more information on the topic placed in the content by taking a look at the links within the text: organiser une reception, gaz intestinaux, dictionnaire de la cuisine

Have you ever wondered if there are some easy and surefire ways to really up the way that your skin looks and feels? Have you ever pondered what different healthy skin tips that you could implement into your daily routine that could truly allow for your skin to looks and feel its best? The good news is that there is an abundance of amazing healthy skin tips that you could nearly effortlessly incorporate into your everyday routine that could rather quickly net you the results that you have been seeking. So stop putting off that shining, glowing, supple, vibrant and youthful skin that you have been dreaming about, and start doing something about it today with these healthy skin tips.

1. Your skin reflects what you eat. We already know that old time saying, “We are what we eat.” And it could not be any truer that this. If you are drinking too much alcohol or caffeinated beverages, or you are eating foods that are filled with toxins, guess what? Those will come out in your skin. Cut down on oily foods, avoid overdoing it with drinking and with coffee and eat healthier fares and your skin will thank you for it.
2. Don’t fool around with the sun. The sun is great for your skin, and helps keep it healthy. But the sun can also greatly damage your skin, too. Thankfully, there is a really easy remedy for this: SPF rated skin creams that protect your skin from harmful UV rays. You can even find sunscreen that can still enable you get a nice tan, but one that you won’t have to worry about damaging and burning your skin in the process.
3. Smoking is horrible for your skin. We already are well aware of the many different diseases that are directly attributed to smoking tobacco products. However, did you also know that smoking tightens or narrows certain blood vessels that are in your skin’s outer layers? It also deprives your skin of vitamin A and of oxygen, which causes it to age prematurely. Additionally, the numerous muscle contractions that your face makes when smoking contributes to fine lines and wrinkles.

Organic ingredients can be used for improving hair, nail and skin health, tonality, youthfulness, suppleness and texture. Learn about this and other beneficial beauty tips by harnessing the power of organic supplements for beauty. Learn more about Folligenix today, a revolutionary new beauty supplement created by celebrity Soho hair stylist and salon owner, Mario Diab.

A healthy eating regime is not that difficult to incorporate into your lifestyle, if you are seeking to lose weight, following a healthy diet will return much better results than a fad diet that will perhaps help you to lose weight at first but overall has no long term potential.

Adopting a healthy eating plan can at first seem difficult, but if taken one step at a time you will soon find that the little things that you do each day become part of your daily routine until you no longer have to try to follow a healthy eating plan it just becomes a normal part of your lifestyle.

If you follow these guidelines you will be training yourself to adopt a healthy balanced diet without having to put in much effort or take on any extra stress and you will feel much better.

Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables – the ideal amount of fruit and vegetables is five portions a day.  This may seem difficult to some but is actually quite achievable.  If you start one week by taking a glass of fresh fruit juice with your breakfast you have just added one of your five a day portions.  The following week you can add a piece of fruit to your lunch menu, which means by the end of week two you are having two of your daily fruit and vegetable requirements with very little effort or adjustment needed.  At the end of five weeks you will find you have achieved your goal of having five portions for fruit and vegetables everyday.

Choose Whole meal – Make the effort to choose whole meal foods whenever you can, if you are eating out for example, choose whole meal bread or pasta instead of what you would regularly have, even if you only do this once or twice a week you are further on your way to gaining a healthier diet.  Set your own goals, for example you may choose to eat whole meal everyday for your lunch from work and still allow yourself your regular food at home.  Your rules will eventually become habits and you may find yourself choosing to eat whole meal at home as well as when you are out.

Reduce your salt intake – Again set yourself a goal for this, if you are the type of person who adds salt to your lunch and dinner everyday, then make a goal for yourself to only allow yourself to have salt at one of these meals, you will be surprised at how easy this will become and if after a while you find you do not need the salt you may even decide to cut it out altogether.

Reduce your sugar intake – many people use sugar every day in our tea and coffee, if you tend to drink a lot of either of these, simply cutting one spoonful or even half a spoonful of sugar from your regular amount will make a huge difference to your diet.

Drink water- start by gradually increasing your intake of water everyday.  Try to bring a small bottle of water to bed with you every night so that when you wake in the morning thirsty, the water is right beside you.  Drink it before you get up, it will help to keep you hydrated and will make you feel refreshed when you do get up.

Cut down on caffeine- Try to limit the amount of tea or coffee you drink, combined with the reduction of sugar you will be greatly improving your diet by doing this.  Limit yourself to one or two cups a day.  

These simple methods will help you to achieve a healthy balanced diet, you do not need to do everything at once, if will be too difficult to adapt to if you try and change your diet in one go, instead take one point and incorporate it into your daily routine and follow it for one week, the following week take on another of the guidelines and so on until you have achieved everything on the list.  These easy steps will help you and you will feel much better in the long term.

My name is Gemma and I am a mother of three, I believe that the best approach to a healthy lifestyle is through healthy eating, eating a balanced diet and that is what I try to do with my own family. I don’t believe in diets that work fast and I think that many people struggle to find a balanced diet that will help them to achieve long term weight loss. You can read my article on Healthy Lifestyle Tips that I try to incorporate into my daily routine.